在黎明前 我们踏上 了 这段旅途 (we began our journey together before dawn)
迎接着的是 未知的明天 (what's waiting us is the unknown future)
但我们依旧 下定了决心 绝不后悔 (However it is, we are determined, never regret)
oh I know what I am supposed to do
无论等待我们的是 何等的 试炼 (whatever challenges that's waiting us)
兴奋的心情 总是让人 难以平复 (the excitement in my heart can never be cooled down)
但 向往的 地方 只有一处 (But there's only one place I am eager to go)
fly to the light
战斗之后 得到的 勒绊 (Friendship gained after the hardship)
不会再让任何人受伤 (Promised that no one is gonna hurt anymore)
张开紧握的双手 (open up your clenched eyes)
在那里充满着力量 (there's infinite power waiting for us!)
好, 快开始吧! (yo, let's get started)
新世界在呼唤着我们 (a new world is calling us!)
快看啊! (Hey look!)
就算 相隔着的是 重重的大海 (even if there's multiple of seas in between us)
一直都有同伴的支持 (we will always have friends supporting us)
不必害怕, 勇往直前吧! (Don't be scared, just keep moving us)
不要忘记 we fight together (don't forget, we fight together)
从来不曾 玷污过 (There was never a failure)
那一天, 我们抬头仰望 (At that day we look up)
那无尽延伸的广阔天际 (there's an infinite sky)
已经走过了 漫长的旅程 (we have walked through a long journey together)
各自的誓言铭记于心 (each and every promise is kept within our hearts)
没有迷茫 (no confusion)
因为背负着希望 (because there's always hope)
太阳升起 (the sun rises)
就连悲伤 都一起照亮 (even sadness becomes lightful)
我坚信着 (I strongly believe)
未来终将 和为一体 (In the future we shall meet again)
就让我们一起关注着 (Just watch it together!)
没有人能够代替你 (There's nothing that can replace you)
不要忘记 (Don't forget)
We fight Together.